Hi, my name is Isko Salminen.
I'm an adventure seeker and I love exploring nature with my camera and Australian Shepherd called Fire

Walking on thin ice

Two weeks ago the weather in Helsinki was absolutely perfect! During the weekend, the weather gods decided to bless us with one of those rare ​winter/spring days when it's still freezing but there's no wind, no clouds, and the sun is shining.

We decided to take full advantage of this rarity and headed out on the ice with Fire. The coast of Helsinki is just perfect for these kind of day trips. ​

The low night temperatures had kept the ocean between the small islands frozen, but the warmer weather had opened up the open waters. This allows you to walk on ice almost up to the waters edge.

Fire was fully enjoying the day out. He loves exploring new places and never gets tired of walking out on the ice. He got his shepherding mojo out and ran loops around everyone he could find on the ice.

​As you can see, we weren't the only ones out on the ice. There were guys playing hockey on the ice, skating, skiing and just wandering around.

The funny thing is that five days later, the area in the photo above was just open water.  
